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Week 1: Space
Week 2: Bugs
Week 3: Alphabet
Week 4: Gardening
This 126 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "GARDEN". Categories Include: Writing/Pre-Writing, Fine Motor, Visual Motor, Sensory Motor, Life Skills/Executive Functioning, Digital Activities, Organize, AND Task Analysis/Crafts. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!!
This 175 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "ALPHABET". Categories Include: Writing/Pre-Writing, Fine Motor, Visual Motor, Sensory Motor, Life Skills/Executive Functioning, Digital Activities, Organize, AND Task Analysis/Crafts. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!!
This 84page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "BUGS". Categories Include: Writing/Pre-Writing, Fine Motor, Visual Motor, Sensory Motor, Life Skills/Executive Functioning, Digital Activities, Organize, and Task Analysis/Crafts. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!!
This 119 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "SPACE". Categories Include: Writing/Pre-Writing, Fine Motor, Visual Motor, Sensory Motor, Life Skills/Executive Functioning, Digital Activities, Organize, and Task Analysis. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!
This 52 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "GARDEN". Categories Include: Balance, Strength, Motor Planning/ Coordination, Digital Activities, and Organize. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!
This 56 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "ALPHABET". Categories Include: Balance, Strength, Motor Planning/ Coordination, Digital Activities, and Organize. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!
This 41 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "BUGS". Categories Include: Balance, Strength, Motor Planning/ Coordination, Digital Activities, and Organize. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!
This 46 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "SPACE". Categories Include: Balance, Strength, Motor Planning/ Coordination, Digital Activities, and Organize. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!
This 66 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "GARDEN". Categories Include: Expressive Language/Vocabulary, Receptive Language, Learning Concepts, WH Questions, Digital Activities, Organize, and Task Analysis/Crafts. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!
This 64 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "ALPHABET". Categories Include: Expressive Language/Vocabulary, Receptive Language, Learning Concepts, WH Questions, Digital Activities, Organize, and Task Analysis/Crafts. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!
This 51 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "BUGS". Categories Include: Expressive Language/Vocabulary, Receptive Language, Learning Concepts, WH Questions, Digital Activities, Organize, and Task Analysis. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!
This 64 page PDF includes detailed session plans with the theme "SPACE". Categories Include: Expressive Language/Vocabulary, Receptive Language, Basic Concepts, WH Questions, Digital Activities, Organize, and Task Analysis. Click on the Main Menu to go directly to that activity!