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Oral-motor skills refer to the movement of the muscles of the face (e.g., mouth, jaw, tongue, and lips).
These fun resources are designed to:
Includes detailed instructions, game pieces and game board.
Includes 5 versions!
This monster themed game is designed to promote the development of oral motor, eye-hand coordination, and visual perception skills.
Includes Detailed Instructions, Score Board, Game Flicker/Spinner, and Three Apple Baskets.
This 5 page PDF includes detailed instructions, visual instructions to assemble igloo, igloo, and score board. This is a great winter Oral Motor Game your kids will love!
This is a fun way to help children learn about the food groups. Using a sorting mat and a collection of small cards that each have a different food image, the child will sort the cards into their corresponding food group. The tricky part is that they will not use their hands to grasp and release the food cards onto the sorting mat. Each child will use a straw!