TIPS FOR GROWING: Edition 4 - Upper Extremity and Lower Extremity Exercises & Range of Motion: Strengthening and Stretching for Children
Are you looking for a fun way to teach and encourage children to develop muscle strength, balance, and overall body strength? Are you looking for tools to teach and encourage children to stretch out their bodies to promote increased range of motion? We have exactly what you need!
Topic: Strengthening Exercises and Range of Motion/Stretches
Welcome to the fourth edition of Tips For Growing! These blog posts will focus on important clinical topics that are regularly encountered when working with children. We hope these seeds of information will help with the most important job there is…helping children grow.
This edition of "Tips For Growing" will focus on (1) Upper Extremity and Lower Extremity Exercises and (2) Range of Motion and Stretches.
Part 1: Strengthening Exercises
Muscle strength refers to the amount of force that a child’s muscle generates to support their joints, hold their body in upright postures, and move against gravity.
Infants and young children develop muscle strength when playing in and transitioning between developmental positions such as prone, hands and knees, kneeling, and standing and during motor play (climbing, jumping, stepping up/down, squatting and standing, running, lifting, and carrying toys).
The following strengthening exercises are to be used by therapists to further develop muscle strength and improve proximal stability (stability of the joints closest to the body such as the shoulder girdle and the hip joint) thus providing the support needed for optimal postural alignment and endurance, improved balance, and age appropriate motor coordination.
Increased shoulder stability and upper extremity strength provides a foundation for increased hand strength and improved fine motor control and precision. Improved hip stability and lower extremity strength provides a foundation for controlled transitions into and out of positions, efficient gait, and improved mobility skills (running, jumping, hopping, and climbing).
Tools to Grow is excited to share we have both LOWER EXTREMITY and UPPER EXTREMITY Strengthening Exercise Packets!
1. Lower Extremity Strengthening Exercises:
>> Lower Extremity Strengthening Exercises POSTERS - Includes 20 Posters (1 per page) = Color + Black/White Versions
>> Lower Extremity Strengthening Exercises CARDS – Includes 20 Cards (2 per page) = Color + Black/White Versions
Each card/poster includes written instructions to further explain how to perform the exercise in the following categories:
- Lower Extremity Exercises
- Lower Extremity Exercises Seated in Chair
- Lower Extremity Exercises Seated in Wheelchair
- Toe-Ups
- Wall Squats
- Squats
- Sit-to-Stands
- Stand-Ups
- Lunges
- Step-Ups
- Lower Extremity Scooter Board
- Foot/Ankle Strengthening using Bubbles
- Foot/Ankle Strengthening using a Ball
- Foot/Ankle Strengthening using Small Toys
- Side Leg Lift (Hip Abduction)
- Flutter Kicks
- Reverse Crunch
- Seated Marching
- Seated Leg Kicks
- Seated Knee Raises
- Seated Marching
- Seated Leg Kicks
- Seated Knee Raises
You can find these Lower Extremity Strengthening resources ONLY in our Shop here! >> click here!
2. UPPER Extremity Strengthening Exercises:
>> Upper Extremity Strengthening Exercises POSTERS – Includes 20 Posters (2 per page) = Color + Black/White Versions
>> Upper Extremity Strengthening Exercises CARDS– Includes 20 Cards (2 per page) = Color + Black/White Versions
Each card/poster includes written instructions to further explain how to perform the exercise in the following categories:
- Upper Extremity Exercises
- Upper Extremity Exercises Seated in Chair
- Upper Extremity Exercises Seated in Wheelchair
- Standing Triceps
- Ball Curls
- Ball Press
- Standing Ball Press
- Wall Push-Ups
- Seated Push-Ups
- Push-Ups
- Knee Push-Ups
- Triceps Extension (Unilateral)
- Triceps Extension (Bilateral)
- Shoulder Abduction
- Bicep Curls
- Shoulder Press
- Seated Punches
- Triceps Extension (Unilateral)
- Triceps Extension (Bilateral)
- Shoulder Abduction
- Bicep Curls
- Shoulder Press
- Seated Punches
You can find these Upper Extremity Strengthening resources ONLY in our Shop here!
Part 2: Range of Motion and Stretches
Range of motion refers to the amount of movement available at a joint. Students with muscle tightness or decreased range of motion may find it difficult to maintain the same positions or move through their environment as efficiently as those with typical range of motion.
Improved flexibility for optimal postural alignment, independent transitions, and age appropriate motor play. Muscle tightness may occur as a result of hypertonicity (high muscle tone) or as a result of frequent positioning of a muscle in a shortened length (ie. tight hip rotation often seen in children who W-sit or tight calf muscles seen in those who toe-walk).
Tools to Grow is excited to share we have both LOWER EXTREMITY and UPPER EXTREMITY Range of Motion & Stretches Packets!
1. Lower Extremity Range of Motion and Stretches
>> Lower Extremity Range of Motion and Stretches POSTERS - 8 Posters (1 per page) = Color + Black/White Versions
>> Lower Extremity Range of Motion and Stretches CARDS - 8 Cards (2 per page) = Color + Black/White Versions
Each card/poster includes written instructions to further explain how to perform the range of motion and stretches in the following:
- Forward Fold
- Hamstring Stretch (both legs)
- Hamstring Stretch (one leg)
- Hamstring Stretch (supine)
- Hamstring Stretch (assisted)
- Butterfly Stretch
- Hip Flexor Stretch
- Runner’s Stretch (calf stretch)
You can find these Lower Extremity Range of Motion and Stretches in our Shop here! >> click here!
>> Members of our website can locate these Range of Motion Stretchers here! >> Click Here!
2. UPPER Extremity Range of Motion and Stretches:
>> Upper Extremity Range of Motion and Stretches POSTERS - 19 Posters (1 per page) = Color + Black/White Versions
>> Upper Extremity Range of Motion and Stretches CARDS - 19 Cards (2 per page) = Color + Black/White Versions
Each card/poster includes written instructions to further explain how to perform the stretch in the following categories:
- Upper Extremity Range of Motion/Stretches
- Upper Extremity Range of Motion/Stretches Seated in Chair
- Upper Extremity Range of Motion/Stretches Seated in Wheelchair
- Overhead Stretch
- Shoulder Stretch
- Oblique Stretch
- Finger Opposition
- Hand Squeeze
- Wrist Stretch - Extension
- Wrist Stretch - Flexion
- Supination/Pronation - Assisted
- Supination/Pronation - Independent
- Palm Stretch
- Reverse Palm Stretch
- Forward Fold
- Seated Rotation
- Overhead Stretch
- Shoulder Stretch
- Forward Fold
- Seated Rotation
- Overhead Stretch
- Shoulder Stretch
You can find these Upper Extremity Range of Motion and Stretches in our Shop here! > click here!
>> Members of our website can locate these Range of Motion Stretchers here! >> Click Here!
Are you a member of our membership-based website? You can find more strengthening exercises and resources under “Gross Motor” performance area.
You can filter the Gross Motor section into the following subcategories:
- Animal Walks
- Core Strength
- Movement Games
- Praxis & Motor Planning
- Postural Control
- Pediatric Yoga
- Strengthening Exercises
We hope these seeds of information will help with the most important job there is . . . helping children grow!
Related Topics: Core Strength, Exercises/Strengthening, Tips for Growing